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  1. Sked and QSL from GM3YOR

    [caption id="attachment_781" align="alignright" width="300"]GM3YOR QSL Card QSL card and envelop received from GM3YOR.[/caption]

    While looking over my DXCC statistics I noticed that my log didn't match the DX station's log as uploaded to Clublog.  I double checked my log and it looked like a good QSO but upon …

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  2. DXCC Entity # 153 - Asiatic Russia

    Taking immediate advantage of my new Extra Class privileges, last night I picked up a new DXCC entity - Asiatic Russia.  This one has been difficult for me.  I worked the entity back in 2002 but couldn't get a confirmation.  Since then I've heard them but never been able to work …

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  3. Confirmed DXCC Entity #149: South Cook Islands

    E51JD QSL CardThursday was QSL bureau day (the day in which I receive cards from the bureau).  If that wasn't exciting enough, I also received an envelope with a return address of "Rarotonga, Cook islands"!  Oh yeah, I finally got E51JD confirmed!  This is my 149th confirmed DXCC entity.

    The stamp on …

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  4. Crossing the 150 mark

    Yesterday I unofficially* crossed the 150 mark.  That's 150 DXCC entities worked.  I've actually worked 151 as I just picked up 3B8CF (Mauritius Island (AF-049)) tonight on 20m CW.  That means I've added 21 new entities to my log just this year.  I've also added quite a few new islands …

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  5. Five new DXCC entities in the log

    Since moving to Calvert County and getting my Carolina Windom up (radiating East-West) I've added five new DXCC entities to my logs:

    1. Kuwait - 9K2WA - 20m SSB
    2. Wallis & Futuna Islands - FW5JJ - 17m CW
    3. San Andres & Providencia - 5J0X - 10m SSB and 10m CW
    4. Kazakhstan - UN1L - 15m RTTY
    5. American Samoa - KH8/DL6JGN - 12m …
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  6. Algeria - DXCC Confirmed Entity #122

    [caption id="attachment_449" align="alignleft" width="300"]QSL from 7X4AN QSL from 7X4AN[/caption]

    I received confirmation for my August contact with 7X4AN, today.  Most excited to receive another "new one" I confirmed receipt of the QSL. Mohamed is one of those courteous CW operators that will happily slow down for you if …

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  7. Confirmed DXCC entity # 119 and 120

    8R1Z QSLToday I received a QSL in the mail from 8R1Z in Guyana, South America.  I worked Lennox on 14 August 2012 and was quite pleased to have a return QSL from him in a month's time.  Contact was made on 20-meters SSB when conditions were good and the confirmation represents …

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  8. DXCC Update for 2011

    The ARRL processed my DXCC Award update for 2011 in record time this year.  Since I received the Mixed DXCC award last year I have added 14 new entities to the confirmed list bringing my total up to 115 current (116 total).  Here's the running total including year 2011:

    TYPE …
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  9. 2011 DXCC Update

    Just submitted my 2011 DXCC Update to the ARRL.  I submitted fifty QSOs via LoTW and twelve QSOs via paper QSLs.

    New DXCC entities include:

    1. 5B - Cyprus
    2. CE9 - Antarctica
    3. CP - Bolivia
    4. CT8 - Azores Islands
    5. CY0 - Sable Island
    6. EU - Belarus
    7. GU - Guernsey
    8. PJ4 - Bonaire
    9. TF - Iceland
    10. TK - Corsica
    11. T7 - San Marino …
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  10. Bureau Cards Received

    Received bureau cards today.  All from Europe and no new confirmations but I always enjoy receiving the art work that is QSLs.  Confirmations received from:


    My Europe stack of cards is getting …

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  11. DXCC!

    I have submitted my application to the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) for my initial DXCC (https://www.arrl.org/dxcc) award. The plan is to present my cards for checking to the ARRL on 6 August. I'm quite excited as this has been a long-term goal of mine.

    I …

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  12. DXCC Entities #100 and #101 confirmed!

    Well, I finally received QSLs for DXCC entities 100 and 101!  HD2A sent his card for our 15m contact thus confirming Ecuador for number 100 and then YN2EA confirmed our contacts on 15m and 20m for Nicaragua and entity number 101.

    It's official, I now qualify for DXCC!  Woot!  Only …

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  13. New DXCC entities in the log

    Got lucky today. Saudi Arabia and Lebanon managed to make their way into my logbook today. Needless to say I was very excited to put them there. I also received confirmation, via LoTW, from New Zealand for a contact that I made a couple of weekends ago. So that puts …

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  14. Confirmed DXCC entity # 90

    Received a reply to my QSL for TL0A, today.  Glad to make #90 the Central African Republic!

    QSL cards from Africa always make me stop and think about the world. I've received sunset pictures from South Africa, mountainous sea-scapes from Cape Verde, and various scenery pictures from Madeira Island, but …

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  15. New DXCC entity confirmed

    Got a return QSL from EA6SX today. Before you say "You didn't have Spain?" you should know that this isn't exactly Spain. Turns out it this is from the Balearic Islands in the Med. Contact was made on 16 Mar on 17 meters.

    Grid JM19ik
    IOTA EU-004

    Thanks Mike for …

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