DXCC Update for 2011

The ARRL processed my DXCC Award update for 2011 in record time this year.  Since I received the Mixed DXCC award last year I have added 14 new entities to the confirmed list bringing my total up to 115 current (116 total).  Here's the running total including year 2011:

MIXED         115       116
PHONE         85        86
CW            6         6
RTTY/DIGITAL  79        80
SATELLITE     2         2
CHALLENGE     257       259
160M          3         3
80M           10        10
40M           47        48
30M           4         4
20M           82        82
17M           19        19
15M           64        65
12M           2         2
10M           23        23
6M            3         3
2M            1         1

The plan for 2012 is to concentrate on CW.  I don't want to necessarily concentrate on the lower bands when the higher frequencies are booming but it would be nice to get a few more countries confirmed there too.