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  1. Algeria - DXCC Confirmed Entity #122

    [caption id="attachment_449" align="alignleft" width="300"]QSL from 7X4AN QSL from 7X4AN[/caption]

    I received confirmation for my August contact with 7X4AN, today.  Most excited to receive another "new one" I confirmed receipt of the QSL. Mohamed is one of those courteous CW operators that will happily slow down for you if …

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  2. Bureau cards received today

    I was surprised to see a bureau envelope in my mailbox today. I really wasn't expecting it as I haven't really been on the air that much but some how they had some cards for me.

    Cards received today:
    SP9LJD - Poland
    NP2/AK2P - St. Croix Island
    LX7I - Luxembourg
    VE2AXO - Quebec …
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  3. New DXCC entity confirmed

    Got a return QSL from EA6SX today. Before you say "You didn't have Spain?" you should know that this isn't exactly Spain. Turns out it this is from the Balearic Islands in the Med. Contact was made on 16 Mar on 17 meters.

    Grid JM19ik
    IOTA EU-004

    Thanks Mike for …

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