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  1. 2020 Golden Packet Event on Apple Orchard Mountain

    SOTA Stats

    • When: 2020 from 1442Z to 1600Z

    • Where: Apple Orchard Mountain - W4V/RA-001

    • Who: Just me

    • Ascent: Hike Up

    • Equipment: Kenwood D-700, Opek HVU-500 antenna

    • APRS Coverage: Excellent

    • Contacts Made: 7

    Mistakes were made; success was had.

    As in years past, the goal of the Golden Packet Event is …

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  2. SOTA Activation Report: Methodist Hill North W3/PD-006

    [caption id="attachment_1259" align="alignleft" width="300"]An Elecraft KX3 HF transceiver on the ground with a SOTA flag. Portable HF setup on Methodist Hill North[/caption]


    • When: 2017-12-23 from 1832Z to 1915Z
    • Where: Methodist Hill North - W3/PD-006
    • Who: Just me
    • Ascent: None (see below)
    • Equipment: Elecraft KX3, SOTABEAM MIDI antenna
    • APRS Coverage: Excellent
    • T-Mobile Coverage: Nil

    I arrived at …

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  3. FOUND: CLOVER2 Board cables

    CLOVER2 Board cableYears ago I was given a CLOVER2 board. I later gave it away to someone who was interested in trying to add capabilities to his BBS. I now have found the cables for it! I wonder if I can figure out who got the board or if someone else could …

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  4. Activating Apple Orchard Mountain (W4V/RA-001)

    On Saturday, 16 July 2016, Dave KB3RAN, Steve N3IPN, and I hiked up Apple Orchard Mountain (SOTA W4V/RA-001) to activate it for the Appalachian Trail Golden Packet event.  While we were there we took advantage of the altitude and activated the summit for Summits on the Air (SOTA), National …

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  5. GHz... where terrain matters

    Earlier this week the Calvert Amateur Radio Association (CARA) hosted its monthly meeting with a program by a local guru of mesh networking. Keith KB3TCB gave a presentation on what mesh networking is and what it can be used for.  I've known about mesh networking for some years but never …

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  6. IP Voice and Amateur Radio

    Here's something I've been thinking about. If you have a VoIP phone system in your house with your own phone switch (like Asterisk) why couldn't you hook in a transceiver to monitor your local repeater or simplex frequency so you could monitor throughout the house without having to carry an …

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  7. Notification to ARES groups

    I've been thinking a lot about volunteer responders in the scheme of emergency management. Many of these groups lack a robust communications system without which you are going to be stuck in the mud.

    So what about ARES groups. From the emergency managers point of view ARES is a communications …

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  8. Humor Posts via Packet

    Every day or so my local packet BBS receives a humor post from W1GMF in Massachusetts. I really enjoy the jokes but I'm really impressed by the path the message has to take to make it to Yorktown, Virginia. The path looks like: KR4MA N9NDS KB0OFD N0KFQ KB8DM N4JOA N9ZZK …

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