Confirmed DXCC Entity #149: South Cook Islands

E51JD QSL CardThursday was QSL bureau day (the day in which I receive cards from the bureau).  If that wasn't exciting enough, I also received an envelope with a return address of "Rarotonga, Cook islands"!  Oh yeah, I finally got E51JD confirmed!  This is my 149th confirmed DXCC entity.

The stamp on the envelope was quite neat with a snail on it.  But it was what was inside the envelope, other than the card, that made this QSL special.

Back of a Cook Island coin Front of a Cook Island coin

The paper enclosed with the coin says:

The coin portrays TANGAROA,
Lord of the sea and one of the
Great deities of the Polynesian
race. In ancient times this god
was one of the principal gods of
Rarotonga and adjacent islands.
This coin was withdrawn from
circulation some months after it
was issued when it was realized
that it was the same size as a ten
cent coin used in slot machines.

Honestly, I'm just happy that my card was received at the distant end with an address that went something like (Pacific Islands via New Zealand).