DXCC Entity # 153 - Asiatic Russia

Taking immediate advantage of my new Extra Class privileges, last night I picked up a new DXCC entity - Asiatic Russia.  This one has been difficult for me.  I worked the entity back in 2002 but couldn't get a confirmation.  Since then I've heard them but never been able to work them.  That all changed last night.

As I've always said, you work the contests because that's where the DX will be.  I'm not sure what contest is going on this weekend but it has brought out the DX.  I heard, and then worked, RG0A on 14008.6 kHz.  He was a good 559 on this side of the pond and received a similar report.  This morning I pleasantly found a QSL waiting for me on LoTW from him.  Nice!