The ARRL Recognizes QSOs via the ISS

Ten days ago I reported on my blog that the ARRL wouldn't recognize QSOs taking place via the ISS for DXCC or WAS. I got the response I was looking for today from Norm Fusaro, W3IZ. Thank you ARRL for letting this happen. Now I have QSOs to upload to the LoTW when I get home.

Hi Eric.

After review, ARRL will be permit contacts through the ISS (Earth - ISS- Earth) to be counted towards satellite endorsement for WAS and DXCC.

This applies to contacts made via the onboard repeater equipmentprovided that the equipment does not hold and re-transmit information.

Contacts with the ISS do not receive any award credit.

Further information will be available on the LoTW website.

Thank you for bringing this to light.

Norm Fusaro, W3IZ
Assistant Manager,
Membership & Volunteer Programs Department
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio
225 Main St.
Newington, CT 06011