I recently started working with Calvert K9 Search, a local SAR team that specializes in using dogs to search for people. In an effort to improve communications between the command post (base) and teams in the field I embarked on …
I recently started working with Calvert K9 Search, a local SAR team that specializes in using dogs to search for people. In an effort to improve communications between the command post (base) and teams in the field I embarked on …
I'm interested in VHF and higher
bands. Unfortunately my current home doesn't permit me to really dive
into these bands like I'd prefer (with LOTS of big antennas!). So, to
get my fix, I'm hoping to build a rover station that I can use go catch
some new grids and …
Years ago I purchased a 40-80-160m dipole
antenna in hopes of getting a good signal out on the lower bands.
Unfortunately the antenna ended up being too large for my yard and I
didn't use it. Fast forward to now and I've got plenty of room for
antennas. When I …
The Arrow Antenna for satellites has an optional diplexer that allows easy operation of 2m and 70cm from a single feedline. I've used this configuration for over ten years with no problems. I'm not sure, exactly, what happened but the diplexer failed. After ordering a new one I started digging …
read moreOkay, I'm thinking about parabolic antennas right now. I created a spreadsheet that would take care of all the formulas some years back but I can't seem to find it now. I'm trying to find all the formulas that I need to get the information I need to make my …
read moreThe weather was nice enough for me to get some of my antenna maintenance done that I couldn't do during the cold winter months. First on the list was to completely remove the 23cm (1.2GHz) antenna from the top of the tower. While I've had good luck working stations …
read moreI've also noted that the only …
read moreIt was hot this afternoon but I was able to get two of the
three planned antennas up. Tomorrow is the ARRL UHF Contest so hopefully
I'll be ready (still have to trim a limb or two out of a tree).
Top antenna is 23cm (1278MHz) and the lower one …
read moreCame home to find a long box on the doorstep. Opened it up to find my new 23cm (1.2GHz) antenna ready for assembly. In less than an hour I had my twenty-four element loop yagi put together and ready for talking. Now I just need to get some N …
read moreWell, things took a slight turn for the worst last night. After receiving the UT-10 and the coax, N-connectors, and rotator control wire I realized that the pole I have stuck up in the air isn't wide enough to support the rotator. Apparently the pole is 1" in diameter and …
read moreI haven't posted anything lately but that doesn't mean that nothing has been happening.
First, a couple of weeks ago I found a Kenwood UT-10 1.2GHz module for my TS-790A. I've been looking for one of these for going on two years. Finally my eBay alert came through and …
read moreI just worked a pass on AO-16. Heck yeah it was early. But having the bird all to myself at 5:45 in the morning means I get to test my antennas without stepping on anyone else. I did work N8OQ but it wasn't easy. And I'm not really sure …
read moreNow comes the interesting part. How do I hold up my antennas so they can twist and turn as required? I don't plan to be in the same location in two years so I don't want to do anything permanent. I currently have a 30-foot pole up next to the …
read moreThe most important part to a radio station is the antennas. You could probably lump in the feedline as well but I think I have that figured out for the moment.
So what antennas do I already have and what do I need.
Last night I put the final touches on the 20m vertical antenna I built the previous night. Looking over everything and checking it twice I thought I had everything taken care of. I looped a branch in a nearby tree and pulled the antenna skyward so that the base was …
read moreI'm going to build a new antenna I found in the 2003 edition of the ARRL Handbook. This antenna was originally published by the ARRL in their September 1984 edition of QST in which Chuck Hutchinson, K8CH, explains his "Tree-Mounted HF Groundplane Antenna".
I will be building the 20m version …
read more