SWL Logs for the week of 2021-01-02

2021-01-03 – 19:45 – Radio National da Amazonia – 11910kHz DRM

A very good music program in Portuguese broadcast using DRM (Mode B) from Parque do Rodeador, Braslia, Brasil. Heard via SDR in Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic. Nearby AM signal was causing some dropouts. Adjusting receive frequency up 0.12 kHz seemed to help. SINPO 54555

2021-01-03 – 20:50 – China Radio International – 6020kHz

A personal favorite of mine, Chinese music via AM. This program was destined to the Polish-speaking community of Europe although heard very well in Mardshegy, Hungary. There did seem to be some sort of TTY signal near the carrier that caused some interference but did not take away from the overall experience. SINPO 54555

2021-01-05 – 14:14 – Denge Welat – 11540kHz

Music program. Lost signal at 14:30. SINPO 35433 in Wien, Austria.

2021-01-05 – 14:40 – All India Radio – 11560kHz

Music program with what appears to be news mixed in. According to documentation I can find online, this is being transmitted from Bengaluru. SINPO 45544 in Wien, Austria.

2021-01-05 – 16:30 – China Radio International – 5970kHz

Music program with news in German. SINPO 55555 in Lutsk, Ukraine.

2021-01-05 – 16:46 – China Radio International – 6040kHz

Singing music program. Not my favorite but it was a nice program. SINPO 55555 in Lutsk, Ukraine.

2021-01-05 – 17:00 – Radio New Zealand Pacific – 9780kHz DRM

Supposed to be DRM to the Pacific Islands but I’m not getting a full lock on the signal using any of the SDRs on the New Zealand island. Signal looks strong with no adjacent signals. Did hear a blip of audio at the top second.

2021-01-05 – 17:10 – Radio New Zealand Pacific – 9780kHz DRM

Music and Apollo 13 BBC story. Finally found the audio! No joy using SDR in Brisbane (no signal at all) but a great signal in Hawaii (AI6VN/KH6 using 75m Beverage antenna). DRM Mode B. Really enjoy the text being sent along with the audio:

16:50 - 18:35 9780kHz
18:36 - 19:58 11690kHz
QSL www.rnzi.com

SINPO 55555 in Hawai’i

2021-01-05 – 20:13 – China Radio International – 6020kHz

Traditional Chinese music. Another day of great traditional music (with Polish introductions). Tried a receiver in Poland but transmission is noisy there. Signal is very clear in Fuzesabony, Hungary. SINPO 55555.

2021-01-05 – 20:58 – Tech Note

49m band is quite crowded at his hour. Seeing 6010, 6020, and 6030 all in use simultaneously (including a DRM signal!). All signals seem to be clean and no problem with selectivity on the receiver.

2021-01-05 – 21:00 – Radio Romania International – 6030kHz DRM

French program. Tried a receiver in Hungary but SNR is too low. Showing 17.7dB in Buchen, Germany (DM7RM). SINPO 55555.

2021-01-06 – 02:30 – WRMI – 9395kHz

60s, 70s, and 80s music program. Great signal in Alexandria, Virginia. SINPO 55555.

2021-01-07 – 20:00 – China Radio International – 6020kHz

I’m really starting to like this music program beamed to Europe from China. Traditional Chinese music with very good signals. Receiver used today was a KiwiSDR in Maroshegy, Hungary. SINPO 44544.