Plans for the ARRL June VHF Contest

The 2024 ARRL June VHF Contest is quickly approaching and I’ve been working hard to get my station ready to deploy. So far, it appears I’ll be on the air on 6m through 23cm (except 1.25m and 33cm) using a Kenwood TS-2000X. I’ll be trying out a Create Log-Periodic CLP5130-1N antenna for all bands except 23cm. I’m hoping this antenna will prove to be useful as a "portable" antenna for future events.


  • 2024-06-08

    • 14:00 EDT (18:00 UTC) - FM19GP20 (Cunningham Falls State Park near Frederick, MD) (POTA US-1566)

  • 2024-06-09

    • 10:00 EDT (14:00 UTC) - Secure from FM19GP20.

    • 14:00 EDT (18:00 UTC) - FM18qr23 (Ward Farm Park, Dunkirk, Maryland)

    • 17:00 EDT (21:00 UTC) - Secure from FM18qr23.

    • 19:00 EDT (23:00 UTC) - FM18rp81

    • Will secure either at the end of the contest period or when I get tired.


I can be contacted during the contest by:

  • APRS WG3K-9

  • ON4KST Region 2 144 & 432 chat

  • D-STAR REF-062C and direct calls