Back but not ready for Monday

I got back from Cary, NC last night around 6:30P. It was an exciting but extremely exhausting weekend. The Tour de Cure went off with only a few minor problems but none really related to the communications operation (which is what I'm in charge of). I was pretty excited when I couple of people stuck their head in to say "hi" to have them pause and say "wow, are you running Fedora?". Yep, we Fedorians are all over the place.

Someone outside the race wanted to know how I was using Fedora during this event. Amateur radio provides the communications between all the rest stops along the route (100 miles each day) and between the Support-and-Gear vehicles (SAGs). We relay position reports of where riders are, provide that initial emergency support, and handle logistics. There is a system in the amateur radio world called APRS (Automatic Position/Packet Reporting System) which transmits the position of the SAGs and also allows messaging. Thanks to the Amateur Radio SIG, many useful pieces of software have been packaged for Fedora. Xastir is my top pick for APRS. So with Xastir running on Fedora (a perfect match) I'm able to actually see where the SAGs are and comunicate with them via typed message, both of which reduces voice communications and improves efficiency.

So with another event under my belt I have a couple of months before the "Ride Without Limits" is upon us. This time a figure-8 in the Wake Forest area. Maybe I'll remember that I should probably stay in NC for an extra day to help myself recover. Alas, I didn't do that this time and I have to get ready to head in for a 9AM meeting.