ADA Tour de Cure this weekend.

I'll be leaving around noon tomorrow (EDT) for Raleigh, NC. This is the weekend for the American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure of which I've volunteered for via Carolina Helping Hams for going on ten years now. This is an excellent event where bicyclists ride either 80 or 100 miles on Saturday and roughly the same on Sunday all in an effort to raise money to help researchers do what they need to do to get rid of this horrible disease. Diabetes hits really close to home as my Dad had it and my sister-in-law has it so I'd like nothing more than to find a cure.

I've loaded up my Fedora laptop with some open-source goodness that will help me manage all the resources I'll be [STRIKEOUT:managing] coordinating during the event. Now all I have to do is hope for sunny skies and no rain!