SouthEast LinuxFest 2014 - Day One

After a crazy cab ride from the train station I arrived at a hotel that is in the general area of SouthEast LinuxFest (SELF) but not co-located.  *sigh*  This side of Charlotte isn't as pedestrian-friendly as it could be.

The first day (Friday) of SELF was pretty good.  I generally stayed close to the security track which included talks on DNSSEC, IPv6, and a history of information security.  All very interesting and, specifically the IPv6 talk, got my head going.  Being a former network guy I hadn't had to think about the impact and possibilities of IPv6 on enterprise networks and the infrastructure that resides on those networks.  I also learned of a "new" firewall that deserves a closer look.

On the Fedora front, I was able to work on a few Docs Project pieces that needed some collaboration to get straight.  I'm also talking up my thoughts on implementing a process to help manage (and close) security bugs within Fedora.

I'm hoping day two is just as good as today was.