SKCC: I now have my Centurion!

I received the following message from Ron Bower, AC2C, after submitting my SKCC award log last night:

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Gather 'round and pay heed to the news of this

Let there be celebration to recognize a fellow SKCC member who
has advanced to the Centurion level of SKCC achievement !!!

Having submitted a log and sworn statement, documenting the
completion of QSOs with 100 other SKCC members, Eric Christensen,
W4OTN, SKCC #7320, is duly proclaimed to be SKCC Centurion Number
1107 effective at 0000Z on 21 Jan 2015. SKCC Centurions are
encouraged to proclaim their accomplishment by appending a C to
their SKCC Number.

The Master Centurion List has been duly scribed where all SKCC
Members may reflect upon and pay tribute to this momentous

Duly approved, recorded, and published.

I set forth my hand and key.

20 Jan 2015

Ron Bower, AC2C
SKCC 2748S
SKCC Centurion Administrator

Woot!  So as of tonight at 0001Z I now can append a "C" to my SKCC membership number!  I guess I'll start working on my "T", next.