Passport to World Band Radio

I received my copy of "Passport to World Band Radio" (ISBN 978-0-914941-80-4) in the mail the other day. Since I received it I haven't been able to put it down. It is a heftier book that what I was expecting at over 500 pages of information on shortwave broadcasts. A good deal, in my opinion.

The book is written to help a person that doesn't know anything about shortwave to be able to make an informed purchase of a receiver and be able to tune in the world with no other resources. I've been listening to the BBC World Service, VOA, and other broadcasts for a number of years and found that the frequency charts, broadcast times, and the "Ten of the best shows for 2009" are valuable even for an experienced user.

If you are interested in shortwave broadcast and haven't picked this book up I think you definitely should.