New website for Fessenden Amateur Radio Society (K4OBX)

Years ago I built a website listing all the repeaters in Northeastern North Carolina. It was more for me than anyone else as I was trying to document all of the local repeaters and clubs in the area. The page was horrid, from a graphics stand point, but some folks liked it and used it. And then, as all great things do, it got lost in time when I left Earthlink (or they stopped providing space, I forget).

Now, I "own" a virtual machine with Linode and provide space for groups I support to have a web presence of their own. I currently host a few sites and I offered to create a site for the Fessenden Amateur Radio Society (K4OBX) down on Hatteras Island.

To me, the site turned out better than I had hoped. Very minimal, no clutter or little kittens running across the screen. Just a listing of the information that many people probably want when heading down to the Outer Banks. There is still a bit of information I need to add, such as maps showing where the repeaters are, but it’s mostly done and ready to go live.

I don’t know why but I really like looking back on that first webpage of mine and remembering what I was doing and how it all came together so well.