More tropo ducting today

This morning around 9AM I got mixed up with a crowd on 144 MHz.  Since I'm the new guy I ended up with a pileup on my hands!  I picked up KA3QWO, KG4KWW, K1PXE, WB2SIH, K3GNC, WV2H, N2FKF, W1AN, and WB2QEG in very quick succession.  We then ventured up to 23cm (1296 MHz) and I worked W1AN, WB2SIH, K1PXE, and K3GNC (most with armchair copy).  I ended the morning's tropo opening with a contact with AC2BL on 2m (144 MHz).

Longest distance on 144 MHz: 320.5 mi (515.8 km) - AC2BL
Longest distance on 1296 MHz: 305.6 mi (491.8 km) - W1AN
Loudest signal: W1AN (louder and clearer the higher in frequency we went!)

I'm hoping for another few mornings like this one.  Thanks to all the stations I made contact with; it was fun!