Mini-DXpedition to Hatteras Island NA-067

Mini-DXpedition to Hatteras Island NA-067 I had the pleasure of doing a mini-DXpedition over the Memorial Day weekend on Hatteras Island. The YL and I setup a 20m SSB station in the tent using a MFJ 20m SSB Travel radio, a hamstick rotatable dipole, a 12ah battery, and a 18w solar panel.

Overall, the test was a success. Contacts were made in eleven different countries utilizing only ten-watts of output power. While time was short for operating (hey, this was a vacation, too!) I did find that operating during the grey zone (twilight) yielded the best results. Pointing the dipole towards Europe yielded excellent results on both sides of the antenna. This was a test for the upcoming IOTA contest in July where I plan on activating an island either on the coast of North Carolina or South Carolina. More about that later, though.

Hatteras Island IOTA DXPedition campHatteras Island IOTA DXPedition radioDX cards have been sent via the bureau and all contacts have been uploaded to LoTW.