I'm going to need a few more Yubikeys...

Last week I received my Yubikey and promptly figured out how to use it with my Drupal installation using the Yubico authentication server.  Since then life got in the way and I haven't had a chance to work on my other projects that I want to get working.  I did get a chance to do some research on the mechanics behind the Yubikey and figured out that I'm going to need a few more Yubikeys for all my projects.

The vulnerability I'm trying to combat is a replay attack. This means that different AES keys are needed for each authentication server or replay attacks are a real possibility.

I have three uses for my Yubikey:

  1. Authentication to websites utilizing the Yubico authentication server.
  2. Authentication into Fedora servers using the Fedora authentication server.
  3. Authentication into my local computer using a local database.

I THINK I can setup my Yubikey to handle two of these using different profiles in the token but not the third.  Perhaps I'll be able to get everything functioning soon.

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Sparks' Fedora Project Journal by Eric H Christensen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.