Beautiful music from around the world

I love to use my little Grundig shortwave receiver to tune in the world, at night, in hopes of tuning in traditional music from lands I've never visited.  With fewer stations on the air it's becoming more difficult to find these stations.  I thought I'd share one station that continues the tradition of news, current events, and music.

Radio Taiwan International can be heard on 5950kHz and 9680kHz each night in North America.  On Wednesday mornings (UTC) a signature program, Jade Bells and Bamboo Pipes, is broadcast.  The program is great and brings the sounds of the orient right to your home.  It is an award-winning program that should entertain your ears.

Radio Ukraine International used to broadcast several classical music programs before their transmitters went dark.  Radio Bulgaria was also an excellent station that was worth tuning in before it went Internet-only (not much radio in the Internet).

If anyone knows of any other good stations please post a comment and I'll include them.