ARRL Sweepstakes contest and LoTW

The ARRL Sweepstakes contest (phone) took place last weekend and I spent a few hours on the air making a few contacts. Although I didn't have much time to spend on the event I did add twenty new contacts to my log. Since I'm working on my WAS from my new home in Maryland (contacts made before I moved up here don't count since they were made greater than 50 miles away) working the Sweepstakes contest let me add a few more states to my log (I now have twenty-four states confirmed via LoTW). I wish I had had more time to devote to the event but I'm glad I worked the stations that I did.

I downloaded my LoTW QSLs today and found that [STRIKEOUT:fourteen] twelve stations have already uploaded their contest contacts. That's really great to already have those states confirmed so quickly. I wish everyone did this.

I'll update this when the contest results are available.