Amateur Radio Contest logging software for Linux

I've been looking for a good amateur radio contest logging program for Linux. Little did I know that the solution was right under my nose!

fldigi is a great amateur radio program that will encode and decode almost any digital mode you can find out on the HF bands.  This morning I noticed a new mode: SSB. Now I can't confirm this but I'm pretty sure this isn't a means of transmitting voice from your desktop but rather a placeholder for using fldigi's awesome contest logger for your next voice contest.

I've used fldigi in contests before but they have been RTTY contests.  The log output works perfectly and allows me to immediately submit my log to the contest managers, to GlobalQSL for my bureau cards, and import the contest log to my traditional logging software CQRLOG.

I'll be trying out this solution this weekend on the CQ WW SSB contest.  I'll try to document my feelings on Monday.