ADA Tour de Cure

image0Last weekend was CRAZY! 105+F heat index and over 300 bicycles somewhere between Koka Booth Amphitheater in Cary and Oxford NC. Yep, it was that time again... The American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure. Where else can you find enough crazy people to ride their bikes somewhere between 75 and 100 miles each day in this kind of heat? Well, it was all for a good cause.

I am a member of the Carolina Helping Hams and generally manage the voice and data radio nets and manage resources. I used my handy dandy Fedora laptop for managing my resources and managing the data side of the house. It was great to show visitors that we were using Fedora and other open source software for management.

I'd also like to point out the sightings of a few Red Hat folks on the course. Hopefully next year there will be more Shadow Man sightings (and cooler temperatures).