Outdoor temperature: Unknown
Relative Humidity: Unknown
Sky cover: Unknown
Observatory: Sunderland Road
Tonight I started the Binocular Messier Club Logbook. The idea is to observe all Messier objects using only binoculars. Each observation should be accompanied by a written observation and drawing.
Date: 2014-06-11
Time: 03:30 UTC
Location: Sunderland, MD
Magnification: 4
Aperture: 30
Description: Bright in the sky. Used Mars and Bootis to identify. Also observed NGC5053 and Diadem, both of which were very dim.
Date: 2014-06-11
Time: 03:30 UTC
Location: Sunderland, MD
Magnification: 4
Aperture: 30
Description: Dim but findable using Unukalhai as reference. Also noted Delta Serpentis to complete the triangle. M5 is fuzzy in apperence and almost invisible with a nearly full moon nearby.