2011 NTS Summary

A recent discussion on the Radiogram listserv got me wondering about my traffic handling numbers since I started working in NTS in 2010.  Here's what I came up with:

In 2010 I handled 960 messages, sending 250 of my own.  In 2011, however, I handled 1658, creating 365 myself.  That's a ~73% increase in messages handled over 2010!  What's funny is looking at the numbers I took a break at the beginning of 2011 and didn't really start handling traffic seriously until September.  I handled the majority of my messages during the last quarter of 2011.  I'm hoping the trend continues and the NTS continues to be a strong component of the ARRL.

  2011 2010
January 12 83
February 0 140
March 0 98
April 0 65
May 17 60
June 4 20
July 0 45
August 0 64
September 106 94
October 488 44
November 485 138
December 546 109
TOTAL 1658 960
% Change 72.71%  
Total Messages 365 250
% Change 46.00%