2010 CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest is complete!

After thirty hours of listening to "diddles" the 2010 CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest is over!  Band conditions did not let me down, this year.  I had excellent results from all bands and even scored a New Zealand contact!

435 Contacts
47 DXCC Entities
47 US States
17 CQ Zones
15 Meters: 103 contacts (36 countries, 8 US states)
20 Meters: 105 contacts (34 countries, 20 US states)
40 Meters: 116 contacts (27 countries, 29 US states)
80 Meters: 111 contacts (12 countries, 35 US states)

My total score is estimated at 105,462 but I may end up competing in a single-band competition.

Some contacts of note are (i.e. DXCC entities I need confirmation):
5B/UT0U - Cyprus
6V7V - Senegal
SI4G - Sweden
SM6NET - Sweden
ZL1BYZ - New Zealand

I also worked the three states (Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming) I need for my WAS so as soon as I get confirmation on these contacts I'll be submitting my documentation for that award.

Thanks to everyone whom I contacted this weekend and a special thank you to my lovely wife who kept me fed and tolerated the whole event.